Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Review: Loom - Angler

Label: Exigent Records

Released: February 26, 2008

It seems that some of the least likely bands are incorporating strings of the non-guitar variety these days. Plenty of metal and hardcore bands don't seem to even blink at the idea anymore. Sometimes, it sticks out like a sore thumb and other times, it's perfectly integrated. Salt Lake City's Loom is the latter. They play intricate post-hardcore with agile, mathy rhythms, guitars that alternate between hardcore crunch, rock riffs and prog complexity and vocals that growl and sing. Oh yeah, and there's violin that's both seamless and essential. Angler might get lost in the post-this-and-that shuffle without that violin, but with it, it's clear this band has the potential to enter into more uncharted territory. This is a pretty good accomplishment for a band that's only been together a little over a year.

Rating: 6/10


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