Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Redd Kross spoof on the cover of LA Record Magazine

I came across this on Redd Kross' myspace page and thought it lent itself to a good trivia question: What album cover is being spoofed here?

Unfortunately, I don't have any good prizes to give away so this one will have to be for honor.

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Blogger Bill said...

"Slayed?" by the mighty "Slade" is the album cover this is copying... can't believe there's no prize though ;-)

4:27 PM  
Blogger bob_vinyl said...

I knew you'd get it. I thought it was a cool spoof of a good album cover.

I feel bad that there's no prize, but I don't have any goodies right now. Unless I can interest you in a copy of a Blackmore's Night DVD.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Ray Van Horn, Jr. said...

I'm so tired I almost thought it was a spoof on the RHCP "Fight Like a Brave" single...oh well...early bed for me

8:37 PM  

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