Friday, January 20, 2006

Stairway to Dollywood

Back in 2002, Dolly Parton covered (gasp) "Stairway to Heaven." I'm sure most people's first reaction was to be horrified that the singer who brought us "9 to 5" would dare to touch Zeppelin's crown jewel, but if you excuse Parton's pop country days and focus on her early and late periods, the idea should be at least compelling. I really expected that I'd like it. I thought Dolly would bring herself and her traditional country roots to the song in a way that would make it her own without defacing it. Unfortunately, she just didn't bring enough of herself. The idea was brilliant. The bluegrass arrangement was well thought out, but the performance was stiff as if she had never heard or didn't really care much about "Stairway" (as unimaginable as that may be, even for a non-rock artist). There are moments when she hits stride and she and the song are one, but they are sadly few and probably accidental. The gospel backing vocals are an amazing idea, but like the rest of the song, they fail to soar as they (and all gospel) should. Don't get me wrong, this version is entirely competent, but "Stairway" deserves so much more than just competent. The bottom line is that this was a great idea in so many ways, but it was poorly executed. It's a shame, because I actually got goose bumps listening to this and thinking about what could have been.

Interestingly, if you want to hear Dolly Parton do a wonderful cover of a rock song, check out her version of Collective Soul's "Shine" from 2001's Little Sparrow. "Shine" is a very good song (if you're not sure about that, check out the Holmes Brothers' cover too), but certainly no "Stairway to Heaven." It's hard to believe that she could pour so much of herself into her cover of the former and fall so short in her cover of the latter. Perhaps "Stairway" was just too daunting a task for even an artist of her long experience.


Blogger Ms. Amanda Tate said...

Rumor has it that Dolly's version of "Stairway" is the most-played song on Laura Bush's iPod. The appalling notion of Dolly Parton singing "Stairway to Heaven" aside, on additional listens, I actually don't feel as sick to my stomach as I did the first time I heard it. However, I really just can't get past her delivery --- that conspiratorial, whispery-talky-voicey thing she does throughout --- not sure what that is trying to convey, but it just grates.

I see that Plant/Page approved her lyrical changes, but what does that really mean, anyway? Which makes me wonder . . . do any celebrated covers of "Stairway" exist? If so, what do they possess that this one lacks? And further --- are there any songs . . . any songs at all . . . that simply defy reinterpretation, imitation, covering at all? Meaning, are there any songs that are utterly off-limits?

12:42 AM  
Blogger Ms. Amanda Tate said...

I am so disheartened that not a single one of your vast readership wishes to poop all over my comment.

Ho hum.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

ARE YOU KIDDING? I don't know where I've been, but I never head about Dolly's cover STH. I'm sorry, nothing against her but it just makes me cringe to think of it...Really.

11:47 PM  

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