The Death Knell for Emo
I've heard "Ohio is For Lovers" before, but I never paid close attention. It's just another generic emo song, right? Well, yeah, but in the worst way. In a sense it fails because it's such a perfect facsimile of emo. Everything from the melodic versus growling call-and-response of the chorus to the "cut my wrists and black my eyes" drama of the lyrics is so disgustingly fake and empty that there'd be nothing to relate to even if I tried. The bottom line is that the term "emo" is derived from "emotional" and the idea was simply to be bold enough to inject real emotion into hardcore instead of relying on dumb anger and bravado. Some bands took the "emotional" part too far perhaps, but it's only when the emotion was gone altogether that emo died.
Hawthorne Heights uses the phrase "you kill me" eight times in this song. If only someone would...